
Sunday, May 2, 2010

New York Nonsense

I went to this morning and was informed that there was a car bomb in New York. A vendor spotted it, called the po-pos, and it was detonated at some other location. This contradicts the eye-witness report that it went off before the cops got there and people started fleeing the scene. But that is neither here nor there.
I will be traveling to NY in the near future. And I am pissed not only that years after 911 the New York people still have to worry about this crap, but that something has to be going down not long before I plan to visit! Cazillions of money spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and cars are being blown up on our soil? I thought we went to war to prevent this! There is something quite wrong with this picture.
So again, I solicit my readers to pray for me. I know I have asked you for your prayers like every day the past couple of weeks. Soon, I promise I will put you all on payroll. But I need you to pray that I not only can squeeze my sweet, obese ass in the plane seat, but also that there is not terrorist drama at all in the city, especially during my short stay. Or on the plane for that matter. I just want to go, take a bite out of The Big Apple, then return to the comfortable, safe south, too ignorant to even warrant the attention of terrorists, where I can eat grits and listen to Soulja Boy in the privacy of my own home.
Thanks guys!

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