
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No Phone Zone

The other night I had one of my NOTORIOUS "bladder bouts." That's when I am RIPPED out of my sleep by this almost uncontrollable urge to pee. During my mad dash to the potty, I stepped on my phone, and now I have no use of my screen. So I can get calls, but I can't see who I'm dialing when I make a call. I can hear that I have gotten a text or a voicemail, but I can not see them to read them. It's annoying to say the least. Because I can not see who is calling me, I have also been answering the phone for folks that I have been trying to avoid! I see now that I should have assigned them a special ringtone.
But on the other hand, I feel invigorated. I feel no pressure to keep in contact with folks. I couldn't see that call to return it or read that text to reply. True enough, when I saw I broke my phone, I cried. This is the first phone I have ever had that I really like. But there is something to be said about feeling like you can not be reached. Oddly enough, it's...comforting.

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