
Monday, November 18, 2013

Brownie Dreamin'

I had a weird dream last night.
Long story short, I dreamed that I had to complete all these mazes and riddles in different rooms, all movie and book themed, to be allowed to enter the "new world." The type of world I got was based on how well I did in the challenges. I am guessing I didn't do that well because, in my world, everything was beautiful but everyone was elderly.
That is actually neither here nor there.
Brownie popped up in my dream. He was supposed to help me with one of the mazes, but all we did was argue. He refused to tell me why he stopped being my friend and left me to figure out the maze myself.
Here is the thing: I was originally hurt about Brownie friend dumping me. Understandably, he was one of my besties. But I don't feel as broken up about it anymore. However, it is not until recently that he has started to pop up in my dreams.
I have always looked forward to having dreams. They let me know what I need to focus on, but the Brownie special appearances are confusing. It's been over a year since we actually spoke to each other. And they are not warning dreams. He's fine. His wife follows me on Instagram and they seem to be living the newlywed life.
Perhaps my brain is telling me that I am more hurt than I think, even though I don't feel it. Or maybe Brownie isn't Brownie but a deeper message of neglect or something. Sigh. The questions you could answer if you could afford a shrink.