
Monday, August 9, 2010

Brownie and the Nuva Ring

There is some 18-year-old that likes Brownie, and of course, he entertains her for no other reason than the fact that he is an attention sponge. He doesn't have intentions of dating or sleeping with this girl, but Brownie is the king of phone caking. So, that's what they do.
And boy, does she love to talk. I am officially naming telling too much of your business to people who don't need to know or ask for it a symptom of being young. The other day, she found it important tell Brownie that she wears a Nuva Ring. What was even more shocking than her spilling these beans was Brownie's reaction.
"Why would she tell me that?" he asked. All I could do was laugh. "Doesn't she know that that means that she let's niggas go up in her raw?"
I stop laughing."That's not what that means!"
"Yes it does. Who do you know that uses birth control and condoms?"
"Tons of people." But I have to say, I wasn't sure. I know that birth control only prevents pregnancy, not STIs, so you would need to use both right? I mean, that's common sense, but that doesn't mean that people follow that, for as Brownie so eloquently put it, "People don't be doublin' up like that."

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