
Friday, August 13, 2010


It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times at Clay Manner.
Pretty much, we have to pack and move and no one feels like doing it. No one! We just have so much stuff- things from my grandma's old house that we have been storing since she went into the home, stuff my brother didn't want to take to college, stuff we have not used in ages. Stuff, stuff, stuff! The fact that we only have until Monday to move has everyone fatigued and sluggish. It's a mess.
Then there is the feeling that none of us can shake, this feeling that we are tight roping and could fall at any second. I feel that I never felt this way before because my Grandma was my safety net...before she lost her mind.
So this weekend is going to be full of looking for the tape loading up the car and no, I am not excited.

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