
Friday, August 13, 2010

Uncle Asshole

After a ten minute convo with my uncle the other day I came to a conclusion: he is an asshole.
I called him because I saw that his employer was hiring, and seeing that he is pretty high up in this company and I need a part-time job, I wanted him to give me a recommendation. It would have been super if he could have gotten me an interview. What a joke.
Background on this uncle: he is my mom's brother, but did not live near me when I was growing up. Spending 110% of my time with my grandma, listening to her talk about her children, I get the feeling that he was my granny's favorite, which is why it is so surprising that he is such a self-important prick.
Basically, he calls me and tells me that he can not oblige. His name is big with this company, and he didn't need me coming in and embarrassing him. Mind you, he has a corporate position and I would have been a PT administrative assistant. He said he could not do it if he wanted to, which is a lie. He said he feared I would blow up at my managers if I made a mistake, which is a lie. He pretty much thinks that I am this drunken loud party girl which is again, a LIE! I would love to tell you how he formed this opinion, seeing that I have only been around him a hand full of times, but I can't. After replaying our convo in my mind where he insulted my personality and work ethic, all I have came up with is that he is an asshole. Plain and simple.
I guess it's true: no one can stunt your growth like family.

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