
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No Mas Milk

I saw a documentary the other night that was so good that I feel like I have to share. I was on Link TV, an independent news station, and the doc itself was called The Corporation.
Now, I don't think that this doc is new, but I learned a lot about what exactly a corporation is and how, because of this definition, they get away with a lot of stuff.
The doc touched on everything from sweatshop labor to the deadly effects of chemicals and yes, even milk.
As I sit here at the Borders in the mall this morning, I shake my head, licking the whipped cream off of the straw that was in my chocolate coffee thingy. I have to say, I have never been one to drink milk straight, but I LOVE dairy products. Yogurt, ice cream, butter, and please, don't mention cheese. If you cut open one of my arteries, you would probably find a block of Kraft American! But, thanks to me becoming informed, I have to say no mas to milk.
Basically, farmers were putting this drug in cows that was supposed to speed up milk production when they WEREN'T supposed to. They were even going on the record saying they weren't...when they were. Anyway, this drug (and forgive me for not remembering the name) causes horrible pain for the cows, and causes their milking thingies to swell and get infected. Thus, when the farmers milk the cows, puss leaks out with the milk, thus there is probably puss in your milk and in your dairy products.
The effects on humans isn't cool. Amongst other things, this drug in the milk makes it so your body doesn't respond to the medications usually prescribed to fight staph infections, creating a med-resistant staph, causing deaths.
Sigh. Very rarely do I see docs that change my mind about anything, but this one did the job, especially when they showed the cow's super swollen nether regions. So when you get a chance, watch it for yourself. There are tons of professional sources, such as Michael Moore and Naomi Klein.
As I lick this cream cheese off my plastic knife, I feel emotional. My love affair with dairy, although sweet and long-lasting, must come to an end.

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