
Thursday, August 19, 2010


I got my closet together last night, so now I feel like there is an ounce of rhyme and reason in my life. Now all that is left is getting a bed. Sleeping on the floor has me so swollen that my ankles look like cinder blocks and my feet look like footballs.
Yesterday my roommate accused me of leaving the door unlocked when I didn't. This came on the heels of a verbal listing of house rules and regulations. My key broke in the lock, now I have to buy a new one. I was also accused, via text, that I am not considering the safety of everyone in the house and that I am not clean because I accidentally left a piece of orange peel on the floor. I'm not sure if one of my roomies is a sleepwalker or in some type of marijuana-induced haze. She wanders around the house at night aimlessly as I watch from my door.
This is going to be very...different.

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