
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nail Biter

Last night I went to a slumber party for the non-profit that I volunteer for. It was soooo fun! I brought my extensive supply of nail polish and make-up for makeovers, and was put in charge of doing the nails.
So a young lady in the program in middle school sits down at the table to get her nails painted and her fingernails are almost bitten down to the nub! So I ask her why she bites her nails, and she tells me family issues.
Me being a journalist, that is not a good enough explanation for me. So I push her to tell me more, and she talks about how her mother or father left or died. I can not remember which one, but the existing parent was left not wanting to care for them. So their aunt got custody, but she and her sister feel that the aunt treats her daughter better than she treats them. So they are now about to undergo a custody battle to live with their grandfather...only they have put this in place without really telling the aunt. They don't want to hurt her feelings.
By the time my little 6th-grade buddy had finished telling me her life story, I was biting my nails! Every now and then God introduces me to someone to remind me to stop feeling sorry for myself.
This girl and her older sister are about to become products of the system, and I have spent the past three months of my life crying over a boy!

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