
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Gregory Hines

There is a rodent in our house, and we have no idea what it is. All we know is that when Jimmy, our cat, comes in the house, he goes bananas. The only evidence is that he has our chewed through cabinet foods and in in love with Jimmy's catnip. We woke up one morning and it was all over the kitchen floor.
I have named this rodent Gregory Hines. I think that he lives in the attic, because I can hear him upstairs over my room tap dancing the night away. I wish you could have been here the other night. It sounded like he was auditioning for Stomp with all his shuffling around!
I am just praying it is a little mouse or squirrel or ever raccoon, but not a rat. Rats give me the heebies!! The. Heebies. They are nasty, and ever since that gross rat character on Captain Planet, they have scared the daylights out of me!
Today I have to call an exterminator to get a quote. I am already rolling my eyes. Once he sees that three women live here, he will probably tell us that a bloodthirsty bear lives in the attic just to scare us and get us to pay some crazy fee. And of course, we will pay it. Gregory can stay in the kitchen and the attic. None of us want him in our rooms!

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