
Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Day two of phonelessness. I have full access to the Internet, and I still feel disconnected.
Early this morning, I took a field trip to the bank to see what is up with my check, and, trying to get out before it got hot, I got to the bank before it opened. Let me just say that I was not smiling. I was sleepy. I was tired. And I was pissed that I was still broke and phoneless. So as I stood in front of the bank, waiting on it to open, I was joined by a dude in gray Dickies and a matching top.
Why is it that when I do not feel like playing some broke brotha always thinks it's playtime? Why can men not read body language? Clearly, all while this dude was talking, I looked like I wanted to punch him, and he just kept on going.
He was stuttering, trying to make small talk. But it was nervous stutter, not speech problem stutter. It took everything in me not to punch this cat!
On top of that, I realized that this same guy had tried to talk to me when I was like 15! I remembered his eyes. They are big. Like really big.
I walked away while he was talking and felt depressed. I'm attracting the same dudes who wanted to holla when I was 15?! For some reason that made me sad.
Once the bank opened he followed me in. Luckily he had a transaction, or I was about to mace him. I'm tellin' you guys, I was not in the mood.

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